Date: 12/1/22AO: ExcaliburQ: Sharkbait Pax: 7 Deez Foolz, Tarzan, SGT Hulka, Iverson, FNG, Cousteau (mall Walker), and YHC Warmup: 20…
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Backblast by Travis Puckett on 10/13/2022
10/12/22 Site: Excalibur Q- Hubert Pax-Haka,Deez Fools, Bill Nye, Sharkbait, Custo, and Tarzan The thing Series of Abs exercises, Plank,…
Continue ReadingBackblast by Sharkbait (Jarrod Scott) on 09/22/2022
Excalibur’s Backblast is same as SpitValve’s with 9 pax total, with one of them being a fng EH’ed by Pongo.…
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