Backblast by Tarzan on 06/29/2023

Date: 5/29/2023
AO: Excalibur
Q: Tarzan
Pax: Bill Nye, Sharkbait, Kubota, Deez Foolz, Iverson, Lucky, Hubert, Swoosh, Rubiks Cube, Moonshine, Johhny-Five, Cousteau

Sidestraddle Hop
Good Mornings
Sir Fazio
10 Merkins
Runners Stretch

The Thang:
“Sushi Roll”

30 Squats
30 Apollo Onos
43 Lt Dans
200 Calf raises

30 Merkins
20 Diamond merkins
20 Dry docks
200 Raise the roofs

30 WW2s
30 J-lo’s
20 Pickle pounders
200 LBC’s

I appreciate the presence of each and every Pax who came out at 5:30 in the morning. The iron sharpens iron thing is real, just as God says (Proverbs 27:17).

Thanks men!