7/21/23AO: Red DawnQ: GreenThumbPAX: 9 (Gilmore, Menthol, Chick Hawk, Prius, Phunny, Ham, Floppy, Squeaks) Following a short warm up with…
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Backblast by Gilmore (Jim T) on 07/05/2023
AO: Red DawnQ: GilmorePAX: 8 (Chet, Chicken Hawk, Floppy Disk, Flush, Green Thumb, Phunny, Prius) Following the warm-up with the…
Continue ReadingBackblast by Green Thumb (Ray Perry) on 05/29/2023
5/26/23 AO: Red DawnQ: Green ThumbPAX: (4) Floppy Disk, Gilmore, & Perogi Warmed up with Boiler Room PAX then rucked…
Continue ReadingBackblast by Green Thumb (Ray Perry) on 05/29/2023
5/26/23 AO: Red DawnQ: Green ThumbPAX: (4) Floppy Disk, Gilmore, & Perogi Warmed up with Boiler Room PAX then rucked…
Continue ReadingBackblast by Green Thumb (Ray Perry) on 04/21/2023
4/21/23AO: Red Dawn Q: Green ThumbPAX: (8) Floppy, Gilmore, Counterfeit, Chicken Hawk, Menthol, Paranoid, & Squeaks Following warm-ups with Boiler…
Continue ReadingBackblast by Floppy Disk (Tom Neal) on 04/08/2023
Date: 4/7/2023AO: Red DawnQ: Floppy DiskPAX (6 Total): Phunny, Ham, Gilmore, Jack Jack, Chicken HawkWarm-Up (by Thingamabob with Boiler Room…
Continue ReadingBackblast by Spit Valve (Geoff) on 03/31/2023
Date: 3/31/2023AO: Boiler RoomQ: Spit ValvePAX (20): BiLo, Boingo (Jeffrey Christensen), Char-Grill (Pavlo), Cricket, Curves (Aaron Stork), Ham (Chris Schafer),…
Continue ReadingBackblast by Gilmore (Jim T) on 03/31/2023
3/31/23 AO: Red DawnQ: GilmorePAX: 10 The Red Dawn PAX joined the the other 20 PAX from Boiler Room for…
Continue ReadingBackblast by Billy Goat on 03/17/2023
AO: Boiler Room Date: 17-Mar-2023Pax: Boingo, Chicken Hawk (RD), Cricket, Curves, EKG, Floppy Disk (RD), Flush (RD), Gilmore (RD), Hambone,…
Continue ReadingBackblast by Menthol (Joel Cade) on 03/10/2023
AO: Boiler RoomDate: 3/10/2023PAX: 20 not limited to Opie, Ham Bone, Tube Top, Little Dinghy, Cricket, BiLo, The Dude, Jack-Jack,…
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