Backblast by Tarzan on 04/27/2023

Date: 4/27/2022
AO: Excalibur
Q: Tarzan
Pax: Hulka, Swoosh, Hooch, Hooper, Poncharello

Sidestraddle Hop
Good Mornings
5 merkins
Willy May’s Hays
Runners Stretch

The Thang:
We finished 6 rounds of Mike Tysons:

Round 1:
Ran to first light pole and did 10 merkins
Ran to 2nd lightpole and 10 did merkins
Ran to 3rd lightpole and 10 did merkins
Ran to 4th lightpole and 10 did merkins
Ran to 5th lightpole and 10 did merkins
Turned around and came back, doing the same thing at each lightpole for a total of 100 merkins

Round 2: Same as above, but we did squats
Round 3: WW2’s
Round 4: Dry-docks
Round 5: Bobby Hurley’s
Round 6: Heels to heaven

Back to homebase for 1 round of Box Cutters.

Finished right as the rain started to came down.

It was great to see some newer faces at Excalibur this morning. Outside of Hulka, none of the core Excalibur or Clarion guys came out. Couldn’t help but wonder if they are intimidated by my workouts.

Go Islanders!