7 HIM ruckers appeared in the Gloom for a little Doom (thanks Gecko). With only a little drizzle, we warmed up with an Indian/Native People’s ruck around the larger parking lot. Our skills are definitely growing and our movement consistently quick:
• 7 pax with rucks, the first 4 carry either a 40# or 60# extra sandbag. Last pax stops for 3 squats, runs to 4th in line (last with sandbag) – smooth transfer of the bag – then pax continues to the front of the line. Etc.
Thing 1 (w/ sandbag, no ruck): 25 back squats, 25 overhead presses, 25 WW2, 25 cleans, 25 (each side) over the shoulder’s (lift sb at midpoint to shoulder, over it goes and drops.
• Another Indian ruck for phun…
Thing 2 (w/ sandbag, no ruck): 50 rows, 20 lunges (10/side), 25 cleans, 7 sets of 10 reps deadlifts (rotating through each sandbag)
• Back to Start and some banter, COT
*Bilo’s Backblast*: BBbrrruuuhhh!