Site: The Farm
Q: Green Thumb
9 PAX showed up in surprising decent weather for a post-Ian workout.
@thompi8255 @kutchg @chadegriffin71 @christensenfamilyther @carterp28 Wrigley, @clayster7, Nailz
Warm-Up: SSH, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazio, Willie Mays Hayes, and Good Mornings. Mozied to Elementary school parking lot.
Thing 1: Ascending bear crawls with merkins. Bear crawls to one parking line, one merkin, bear crawl to the next line, two merkins, repeat bear crawls to next line adding one merkin each time, up to ten merkins.
Travel back in same sequence but with lunge walk between the lines and ascending Bobby Hurleys at the lines. Same counts, one up to ten.
Short walk to the curb for two rounds of 25 calf raises and 25 quick feet (IC)
Thing 2: Head to the rock pile and select a non-traveling rock. Completed four rounds of rock work with descending rep counts each round (25, 20, 15, and 10) with a lap around the baseball field after each round. Some regretted their first rock selection and quickly changed out. Exercises were curls, tri-extensions, bent-over row, goblet squats, and blockheads.
Conversations went a little sideways with some non-2.0 friendly banter on mens garment selection and purchase location.
Mozied back to the flag for a short mary of planks, LBC, LSF, and wipers.
Prayers for those impacted by Hurricane Ian.