AO: Quarantine
Q: Rio
14 Crazy Diamonds shone on @ Quarantine today as YHC guided us through a track by track paced workout up, down, & around Wake Tech N. Campus.
5:30 AM, pressed Play:
“Speak To Me” – Mosey to foot of bridge
“ Breath” – Warm Up
“On The Run”- Fellowship Mosey to & up each ramp of the S. Parking Deck, reached the top just as the clocks rang out. Rushed down the stairs & made it to the basement in……
“Time” – 10 Merkins. 20 Squats. 30 Plank Jacks (SC), A.M.R.A.P. for Time. As Dave Gilmour “thought I’d something more to say”, we rushed out of the basement in time for that…
“Great Gig In The Sky”- 4:45 of Ab exercises called out by YHC. LBC’s, Box Cutters, Shakira’s Left. Shakira’s Right. WW1’s. Low Slow Flutters. Picked up & searched for…..
“Money”- Set of 7’s un & down the grassy south bank of mid-campus. Plank Destroyers/ Lt. Dan’s. As the song faded, we entered into the highlight sequence of the workout where our esteemed Nataan led a session of BroGa during-
“Us & Them”. As our minds reached a perfect state of Zen, YHC resumed the pace & raced the HIM into the home stretch of the record.
“Any Color You Like”- 3:35 of running up & down Lombard St Hill. Steps. Cross Sprints. A Bear Crawl, turned East directly into…
“Brain Damage”- Walkout Merkins for Verse 1. Quick Feet for Chorus 1. Then, Pendulum Lunges for Verse 2. Shuttle Run back & forth between curbs for Chorus 2. At last, a final mosey to the flag for…
“Eclipse”- Plank hold in a circle, lateral Bear Crawl until the end. We crawled inward, & held plank until the final heartbeats of the album went silent. Fin’.
Want to thank each of you as you all constantly endure & humor my nonsense when it comes to Qing workouts, & pretty much everything else. We are each much like the beam of light entering the prism (F3) alone, & emitting from the other side a bright, diverse spectrum of colors. Be here next week as Billy Goat takes us back to the Super-Cade for some old school video game classics inspired workout.
Prayers for individuals today age ranged 25-81. Jeffrey, Felix, & Shark bait’s Father-In-Law. As we contemplated themes such as the limits & confines of Time, Money, Mental Health, & the pressures of modern life, we are humbled & blessed to be able to gather & challenge one another to be the best we can. Until next time…I’ll see you on the Darkside of the Moon.