Backblast by Gilmore (Jim T) on 03/15/2024

Backblast! Farmer Carries the Day

AO: Red Dawn
Q: Gilmore (Jim T)
PAX: Green Thumb (Ray Perry), Floppy Disk (Tom Neal), Chicken Hawk (Tristan Maness), Boingo (Jeffrey Christensen), Menthol (Joel Cade), Prius – Ryan McCallum
FNGs: None
Count: 7

WARMUP: Started out with Boiler Room and then grabbed our rucks and sandbags
THE THANG: PAX partnered up making sure there was an equal weight distribution of sandbags. With 7 PAX, we had to have one group of 3. While one PAX did AMRAP exercises, the other PAX farmer carried the two sandbags for half a loop in the parking lot and then dropped and ran back to beginning. The PAX switched with their partner and ran to the sandbags and did a farmer carry back to the beginning. The AMRAP exercises included: slow heavy squats, slow weighted V-Ups, slow ruck pulls, not really slow ruck swings and American hammers.
MARY: We had about 1-minute left and GreenThumb lead us in some broga.
COT: See Boiler Room