Date: 12/01/2022
AO: Max Bandwidth
Q: Char-Grill
PAX (17): Squeaks, Wrigley, Peat Moss, Rio, Billy Goat, Pierogi, Elton, Ham, Hambone, JZ, Curves, B&E, Roscoe P, Counterfeit, Floppy Disk, Spit Valve, Melamine
SSH, good mornings, imperial walkers, hill billies, arm circles (aka Sir Fazio), mount climbers, merkins
The Thang:
Chaotic native-people run towards Mount Trashmore, collecting traveling rocks on our way up.
Very classic Dora: 100 merkins, 200 squats, 300 LBCs, small circle run with traveling rock.
Mini dora: 100 curls, 100 triceps, 100 overheads, same small circle run without rock this time.
Some plank holds here and there 🙂
It was too early to catch a sun rise, but still got some nice view!