This morning 23 Men enjoyed the result of their vote, or lack there of, for the Boiler Room workout. By popular vote and after one recount to include Slack, the workout was a 3 mile run.
Warm up:
30 SSH
8 Good Mornings
20 Squat Thrust
20 Merkins
The Thang:
In a modified OYO (you had to have a partner of similar pace), we ran up the trail 1.5 mile to the turn around point at the parking lot for the Smith Creek Soccer Center. Upon the return of the 6 we worked our abdominal area for about 6-7 minutes.
We are not meant to do life alone or sitting on a couch. F3 provides an amazing opportunity to be in fellowship with brothers (even some annoying ones) and to stay active (walk, run, crawl, whatever…its active).
In addition, F3 provides the opportunity to lead. Thanks to all the men who led today (Jack Jack, Boingo and Little Dinghy going back for the 6, Counterfit leading Red Dawn, Phunny for starting and encouraging other to participate in the ruck workout and many more). We are free to lead, so pick a Q.
God created you so you can share his Love and Mercy with others.
Lord, thank you for your grace that allows us to be aware of our sin and even more for your Divine Mercy. Give us the wisdom to see and demonstrate your Love and Grace in all our encounters today.