Backblast by Sharkbait (Jarrod Scott) on 12/04/2023

*Backblast – timed 4 corners
Date:* 12/4/2023
AO: <#C067WCYNXK8|ao_dooley>
Q: Sharkbait (Jarrod Scott)
PAX: Flush (Clay Campbell), Iverson (Jerod), Kubota (Brandon Long),Tarzan
FNGs: 0
Total: 5
Conditions: pleasantly warm,

Warmup: SSH, good morning, iw, hill Billy’s, downward dog, runners stretch, deep squat hold and slow up stand erect, Willy May Hayes/sir Fazios and Mosey

Thang: 2 rounds of wall sits and balls to walls with count down the line.
Morning call pull-ups with descend by 2 and start at 10. Last 2 pull-ups done slow at 20 sec pace.

Tennis court for 4 corners
1st round: 10 burpees, 20 muricans, 30 Lt Dans, 40 lbc’s done at 6+ minutes.

2nd round: 10 burpees, 20 muricans, 30 jumping lunges singe leg count, 40 lbc’s done at 3:05

3rd round: done at 2:41 then mosey back to circle for COT

COT: awareness of lies we tell ourselves for comfort sake. Announcements: advent Q-source after Quarantine, 2nd f lunch in December name-o-Rama and prayer.