Backblast by Josh Burton (jingle) on 02/06/2024

Backblast! nobody puts Dora in a corner around trashmore

AO: Kblasts
Q: Josh Burton (jingle)
PAX: Aaron Beaulieu, F3 Poncharello (Aaron Denn), Curves (Aaron Stork), Kubota (Brandon Long), BTS Bales, Josh Burton (jingle), Melamine (Chad), Thingamabob (Ariel), Tube Top (Matt Boretti)
FNGs: None
Count: 15

Nobody puts Dora in the Corner around Trashmore

Mosey to trashmore
Corner 1
50 merkins
100 lunges (count each right)
150 low slow flutters (count each right)
Corner 2
50 Dry Docks
100 Willy Mays Hays
150 V ups
Mosey back to benches
20 Left Right Step Ups
20 Erkins
Merry Round Robin
Closest to respect
Baby on the Way
Most recent travel out of the country
Most Hate
Most Braces
Most Concerned about Melamine’s Groin