Backblast by Green Thumb (Ray Perry) on 07/04/2023

AO: Bandwidth (Convergence)
Q: Green Thumb

PAX: 31 (Chicken Hawk, Jack-Jack, Boyz 2 Men, Melamine, Jingle, Moonshine, Gutter Helmet, Stairway, Flush, Housekeeping, Sharkbait, Kung Fu Panda, Red Card, Uggs, Pierogi, Gilmore, Bill Nye, Mr. Belding, Thingamabob, Chet, Dowery, Elton, Ponchorello, Floppy Disk, Cricket, Boingo, Rosco P, Six Pack, Ham)

Ponchorello greeted 31 PAX by playing the bagpipes as we commenced our 1776 convergence celebration of Independence Day.

Warmups: SSH (ic) (40), Sir Fazio Arm Circles (20), Imperial Walkers (ic) (30), Hillbillies (ic)(30), Merkins (15), Squats (15); 150 total warm-up reps.

The Thing Flush, Gilmore, and Melamine helped Green Thumb lead PAX around 4 stations at the corners of the lower soccer field.Station 1: LSF (L/R=1), SSH, Mountain Climber (L/R=1), Lunges

Station 2: American Hammers, Plank Jacks, Jump Squats, Merkins,
Station 3: Dry Docks, Outlaws, Imperial Walkers, Monkey Humpers
Station 4: Curls, Goblet Squats, Bent Over Rows, Heavy LBCPAX completed 25 reps of each exercise at a station and then rotated to the next station.  Each group completed 4 rations of each station for 100 reps of each exercise. 1600 total reps.

Time and heat prevented us from closing out with 26 burpees each, but we completed them birthday burpee style for America’s birthday.  Great Work Men!Announcements:
Q Sheets are wide open, sign-up if you haven’t Q’d recently

Two 2nd F opportunities on July 21st. Lunch at Forks cafeteria in Wake Forest and Lake Life Beatdown at BiLo’s.

SLT rotations occur at the end of July. If interested in a spot, talk with one of our current members.Prayers for Moonshine’s niece and all those still fighting for independence in the world.