Backblast! 4 corners
AO: Red Dawn
Q: Green Thumb (Ray Perry)
PAX: Flush (Clay Campbell), Floppy Disk (Tom Neal), Menthol (Joel Cade), Phunny, Gilmore (Jim T), Boingo (Jeffrey Christensen), Prius – Ryan McCallum, Thingamabob (Ariel)
FNGs: None
Count: 9
WARMUP: SSH, Imperial Walker, Good Mornings, Sir Fazios, & Windmills
THE THANG: PAX rucked with sandbags up to the soccer field for a sequence of 4 corners.
At each corner PAX completed escalating designated reps of exercises with changing modes of travel between corners. Corners were approximately 30 yards appart.
1st rd: 7 sandbag burpees at each corner. Travel was sandbag toss. Alternate forward toss and side toss between each corner.
2nd rd: 14 Ruck Merkins, Travel suitcase carry
3rd rd: 21 Heavy squats (PAX choice to use sandbag or not), Travel Zerker carry
4th rd: 28 LSF (L/R = 1) with ruck overhead. Travel rifle carry
Mosey back to the flag for COT.