Backblast! March forth my good fellow
AO: Agoge
Q: Green Thumb (Ray Perry)
PAX: Pawnee, Prius – Ryan McCallum, Curves (Aaron Stork), Jay Z – Shawn, Six Pack (Matt Coombs), Rio (Andrew DiGiovanni), Billy Goat, Oscar Mayer (Shaun Hanna), Money Pit (Blake Anderson), Kitty Hawk (Mike Ballard), Boingo (Jeffrey Christensen), Chet Ripley (Elton Smith), Menthol (Joel Cade), Scott Markel Aka Boys 2 Men, Little Dinghy (Jim Amy), Thingamabob (Ariel), Rimz, Whoopy Cushion (Mike Williams)
FNGs: 1 Whoopy Cushion (Mike Williams)
Count: 20
Warm up: SSH, Willie Mays Hayes, Imperial Walkers, Good Mornings, & Sir Fazios
PAX mozied to the benches near the main quad for a little circuit work. PAX started with 5 reps each of Derkins, Elevated Homer to Marge, Dips, Bulgarian Split Squats, and Leg Lifts. After each set, PAX completed a lap over to Binkly Chapel and returned. PAX increased the rep count by 5 (5, 10, 15, 20, etc) following each lap for an unspecified amount of time. After approximately 10 minutes, Green Thumb instructed PAX to continue laps but begin decreasing the exercise count by 5. Chet and Rio made it to 25 reps before descending down. Nice work.
PAX took a short mozie to in front of Ledford Student Center for a short DORA. Exercises were 25 Burpees, 50 Bonnie Blairs, and 100 Merkins. Travel was serpentine the steps one complete time.
This left time for a quick Mary of LSF and LBC.
Welcome FNG, Whoopy Cushion (Mike Williams), who had our card from Meet in the Street 2 years ago.
This Friday, March 8: Fellowship Happy Hour 5:30-7:30, Altered State
March 16: Convergence at Excalibur (Knightdale Station Park) The Farm and Clarion Closed
March 22: Fellowship Lunch, 11:30-? Real McCoy’s. RSVP needed.
Praise & Prayers:
Thing-a-mabob’s daughter is getting married this weekend.
Rosco P is undergoing shoulder surgery tomorrow.