Backblast by Billy Goat on 03/14/2024

Backblast! Pi3 Hard With a Vengeance

AO: Max Bandwidth
Q: Billy Goat
PAX: BTS Bales, Char-Grill (Pavlo), Curves (Aaron Stork), Dig Dug (Todd Fischer), Dowry (Derrick Wolfe), Dumbledore (Dave Monaco), Elton (Tim), F3 B and E, Green Thumb (Ray Perry), Ham (Chris Schafer), Jay Z – Shawn, Oscar Mayer (Shaun Hanna), Pierogi, Rio (Andrew DiGiovanni), Snoopy (Barron Holland), Spit Valve (Geoff)
FNGs: None
Count: 17

AO: Max Bandwidth
Date: 14-Mar-2024
Theme: Pi3 Hard With a Vengeance
Pax: B&E, BTS, Chargrill, Curves, Dialtone, Dig Dug, Dowry, Dumbledore, Elton, Green Thumb, Ham, Jay-Z, Oscar Mayer, Pierogi, Rio, Snoopy, Spit Valve
Q: Billy Goat
Conditions: Clear and cool

Eighteen Pax celebrated NE Wake’s 3rd Annual “Pi Day” with YHQ at the helm. Warmarama initiated with Side Straddle Hop, Good Mornings, Windmills, Mountain Climbers and Standard Merkins followed by a little high stepping around the soccer fields. At the Upper Field, a perfect circle with 22 cones was set including 7 almost evenly spaced coupons. The Pax were given the simple instruction to travel as directed for two full rounds of Elevens (Merkins and Outlaws followed by Round the World Lunges In Cadence and Bobby Hurleys). When “landing” at a cone occupied by a Coupon, the Pax executed a One-Seventh of a Seven (Swings and Goblet Squats) terminating at the opposite coupon. This routine continued until (2×11)/7 (or 3.14) was completed. Travel calls were mixed at YHQ’s discretion. As expected, this chaotic routine was a total goat rodeo with plenty of mumblechatter and few finishers in the allotted time.

The Pax returned the cones and coupons to the Goat-Mobile and retrieved a mystery bag to be unveiled at the COT parking lot. From chill cut position, each HIM turned the dial of fate in an invigorating game of “Pie Face.” Calls to the first 13 digits of Pi were enjoyed by all.

3 Groiners
14 Diamond Merkins
15 Mountain Climbers (IC)
9 Ranger Merkins
26 Calf Raise
5 Sumo Squats
3 Burpees
5 Star Jumps
8 Wide Merkins
9 Zombie Crunch (Left)
7 Bonnie Blairs (IC)
9 Zombie Crunch (Right)

A 50 lb “pie” was slammed by each Pax during Namarama.

Fellowship Lunch at Real McCoy’s on 22-Mar (RSVP only!)
Bourbon and Beers at Waffle House’s house (a.k.a. Menthol’s event center)

Prayers for Peat Moss with the loss of his mother, the parents of Ham’s friend who passed five years ago this week, speedy recoveries for Rosco P. (labrum surgery) and Pierogi’s daughter (illness).

Well played, Men!