Backblast by Scott Markel Aka Boys 2 Men on 03/23/2024

Backblast! Dallas Cowboys Star

AO: Farm
Q: Scott Markel Aka Boys 2 Men
PAX: Dowry (Derrick Wolfe), Floppy Disk (Tom Neal), Flush (Clay Campbell), Gilmore (Jim T), Green Thumb (Ray Perry), Melamine (Chad), Papi (Isaias Brito), Scott Markel Aka Boys 2 Men, Spit Valve (Geoff), Trey Fussell (Bill Nye), Housekeeping
FNGs: None
Count: 11

SSH, Good Mornings, Willie Mays Hayes, mosey over to the soccer field
THE THANG: we did a Star workout on the soccer field. The star was 60 yards long and 40 yards wide. We would do 1 set of an exercise at each point and then proceed to the next point. We ran through 3 total sets. 1st point we would do 11 Burpees each set. 2nd point 21 reps of each exercise, curls for the girls, tricep extensions, and overhead presses. 3rd point 22 Merkins, hand release merkins, and diamond merkins. 4th point of the star, 33 reps of squats w/coupon, squat jumps, and lunges. 5th point of the star we did Murder Bunnies 40 yards, rifle carries 40 yards, and then a combo of murder bunnies and rifle carry. Of course coupons were included.

that Thang 2: we traveled around the track 3 times. first lap we moseyed the straight aways and bear crawled around the corners. 2nd lap we moseyed the straight aways and lunge walked the corners or did broad jump burpees dealers choice. third and final lap we we moseyed or gave it all you got for 1 lap.

We moseyed back to the flag and stopped at the pavilion for a quick set of 20 L/R step ups.
COT: prayers for all families traveling during spring break, prayers for Spitvalve and his family, speedy recovery for Roscoe P

Dallas Cowboys Star