Red Dawn
Q: Green Thumb
PAX: 8 (Floppy, Gilmore, Jack Jack, Wrigley, Counterfeit, Thingamabob, Menthol) + 26 from Boiler Room
Warmed up Boiler Room AO (Phunny Q)
Mozied up to the Soccer Field where we were joined by the Boiler Room PAX for a joint ruckish workout.
Set up: PAX separated into teams of 5 and each team grabbed a 60# sandbag.
4 corners Team workout. Cones placed in a square approximately 75 yrds apart.
Corner 1 (with Rucks): Ruck Swings, High Pulls, & V-ups with rucks.
Corner 2: Lt. Dans, Dry Docks, Mt. Climbers (ic)
Corner 3 (with sandbags or plates): Clean & press, Curls, and Blockheads. Weight varied 20# to 80#
Corner 4: Merkins, LSF (ic), Plank Jacks (ic)
Start with one PAX at each corner and one PAX traveling with the sandbag*. PAX at corners complete *20 reps of each exercise while traveling PAX tosses sand bag forward until they reach the next corner. (Modified to carrying the bag after two rotations). Repeat exercises until teammate relieves you. Traveling PAX relieves teammate, who then travels to next corner.
Continue until all PAX cycles through each corner.
Mozied back to the flag with all the rucks and weights. This left a few minutes for a Phunny led Boga Mary.
Announcements: Sign up for Jingle Mingle, Patriot Challenge, & Q SHEETS.
Prayers: Prayers for Destro as he starts another round of treatments