Backblast by Elton (Tim) on 04/04/2024

Backblast! Happy Birthday to Me. Now do a bunch of burpees.

AO: Max Bandwidth
Q: Elton (Tim)
PAX: Billy Goat, BTS Bales, Deductible(Jordan) , Dowry (Derrick Wolfe), Dumbledore (Dave Monaco), F3 B and E, Flush (Clay Campbell), Green Thumb (Ray Perry), Ham (Chris Schafer), Josh Burton (jingle), Melamine (Chad), Oscar Mayer (Shaun Hanna), Rio (Andrew DiGiovanni), Scott Markel Aka Boys 2 Men, Snoopy (Barron Holland), Spit Valve (Geoff), Tube Top (Matt Boretti)
FNGs: None
Count: 18

17 PAX joined YHC to celebrate my 57th birthday and participate in a little trivia challenge.

SSH, Imperial Walkers, Sir Fazio F/R, Merkins, and Various Stretches.
Mumblechatter was strong with numerous opportunities for “That’s what she said”. Moseyed around school to finish the warm up.

Thang 1:
Partner mini-Dora with 100 squats and 200 LBC’s. Moving partner performed a 100 yard mosey out and back.

Thang 2:
25 trivia questions were asked, and an incorrect answer was provided, and PAX had to guess whether the real answer was higher or lower. Anyone that was correct performed 10 of either Ranger Merkins, V-Ups, Bobby Hurleys, or Lunges (L/R=1). Anyone answering incorrectly could choose between 10 burpees or 10 burpees. Despite moving quickly, we didn’t quite get the last couple of questions before 6:15.

Reach out to Iverson if you have interest in participating in “Meat and Greet” with local beef farmer in Wendell on 4/6.
Final Four watch party at Waffle House residence on Saturday evening.
Prayers for Tube Top’s family that is traveling today.
Prayers for 2 co-workers of Tube Top that are battling cancer.