Backblast by Billy Goat on 11/15/2023

AO: Quarantine
Date: 15-Nov-2023
PAX: Don’t Fix It, Flush, Kubota, Lucky, Money Pit, Rio, Roscoe P, Shark Bait, Spit Valve
Q: Billy Goat

Ten Pax thanked Rio for his stalwart service as Quarantine Site Q. Warmarama consisted of SSH, a short mosey, Good Mornings, Sir Fazio Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers, Merkins, World’s Greatest Stretch, and “Farter’s Starter” (similar to Slaughter’s Starter, but with LBCs until a Pax lit one).

Heading off toward campus, YHQ took the Pax touring of “A Rio Runs Through It” with column slalom, a jaunt up “Stair Rio,” and more column slalom. Light pole work ensued with a slow creeping version of “Build a Burpee” where the Pax repeated the sequence of 1 squat, 1 groiner, 1 merkin, 1 burpee, 2 squats, 2 groiners, 2 merkins, 2 burpees, 3 squats…and so on up to 8 burpees stopping at each of the many, many light posts along the way.

Stopping at a parking lot, the Pax braved another Billy Goat original designated, “You can be my RIO anytime.” Standing back-to-back and arms interlocked mimicking pilot and RIO (Radar Intercept Officer), one Pax got a decent quad burn, while the other tried not to trip. At the end of the designated path, both Pax sat without putting their hands down and (tried to) stand without upper body assistance. Staying in the parking lot, the Pax executed “C3-PRio” with the 3 Cs for 3 crunches (LBCs, Zombie Crunches, and CBLs).

The Pax moseyed to the sand volleyball court for a joyous “Rio Dancing in the Sand” where YHQ called high knees, cariocas, buttkickers, bear crawls, and the like around the perimeter of the courts interrupting at the chorus for “UP-DOWNS” with downs on each “Rio!” call from Duran Duran. Both Money Pit and Rio were gifted their very own pet blocks which were graciously toted back to the flag by caring Pax. 4 minutes of Mary closed out the day.

Dirty Santa (2-Dec), Fellowship Lunch at Gatehouse Tavern (this Friday), Rollesville Christmas Parade (3-Dec), and the Oakwood 24 (2-Dec) rounded out a deep list of announcements.

Prayers for new life and great friends.

Great work, HIM!