Backblast! Calling an Audible
AO: Excalibur
Q: Swoosh
PAX: Lucky , Hulka (Don Connelly), Rubiks, Tarzan, Kubota (Brandon Long), American Dad, Sharkbait (Jarrod Scott), Swoosh, 0
FNGs: 1 0
Count: 8
Side straddle hops 15
Good mornings 7
Downward dog
Runners Stretch
Plank 34 secs
Abe vigoda slow motion wind mills 10
Top Gun
Grab a rock from the pile:
Curls 10
Rows 10
Deadlifts 10
Overhead press 10
squat lunges 10
After 5 exercises are complete 3 burpees
Rinse and repeat for 10 mins with Top gun Original Sountrack
1 and 10 11s with Burpees and Merkins
4 Corners SSH / LBC/ Flutter Kicks / Lt Dans
MARY: name a Rama and count a Rama
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Convergence of Excalibur and Dark Knight coming up, St Pattys Day run in Knightdale.
COT: prayer Faith M – Swoosh’s sister in the Lord – Emily with having Chemotherapy and Rubiks family.