AO Armory (8/9/2023) – Doing the 8-9-23
Pax: 4, including Pixie Trash, Strange Brew, Lucky, and YHC.
Short warmup included SSH (50 in cadence), Good Mornings (10), Willie Mays Heys (10).
Moseyed on over church front entrance for 1-minute People’s Chair, 30-second balls-to-the-wall, and 1-minute chill cut.
Moseyed to back side of church to meditate on 8-9-23 (x2) and then (x3):
Set 1 – 8 jump squats, 9 squat thrusts, 23 LBCs
Set 2 – 16 jump squats, 18 squat thrusts, 46 LBCs
Set 3 – 24 jump squats, 27 squat thrusts, 69 LBCs
Moseyed, to the far basketball court for some more meditation on 8-9-23 using a deck of death:
Card Drawn
2 – Hand release merkins
3 – Homer-to-Marge
4 – LSFs
5 – squats
6 – curls
7 – overhead press
8 – tricep extension
9 – Carolina dry docks
10 – pair rock pass
J – kettlebells
Q – bent over rows
K – LBCs
A – burpees
Each Pax picks up non-traveling rock. Routine is Pax draws cards and reps are 8, and then 9, and then 23. Run to cone and back and start over. Pax were not skilled at this approach since we never drew 3, 10, J, or K but succeeded in drawing 3 aces. Still, unpredictable fun was had by all with only minor complaints.
COT – Name-o-rama, Announcements. Prayers, including Lucky’s friend Brad, whose grandfather passed away. Hebrews 12:11 says, “No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” We do not have the strength gentlemen, but we know who does. Go to the source of all strength, the only one who does not grow weary.