Backblast by Ham (Chris Schafer) on 12/09/2022

Site: Max Bandwidth
Q: Ham
Pax: 15: Wrigley, greenthumb, Elton, Ham, Curves, Squeaks, Roscoe P, Rio, Hambone, Spitvalve, Pierogi, Peat Moss, B&E, Billy Goat, Fish Stick

Warm Up:
SSH / Good Mornings / Willy Mays Hayes / mountain climbers/ Helicopters /

The Thang: Pax paired up to complete an elongated version of my Q from the Thanksgiving Convergence

Pax moseyed over to grab 1 coupon per pair before returning to parking lot

Buy in (Each Pax):
50 LBC
100 Single Count Freddie’s
150 Single Count Flutters

Dora Style Stations:
Station 1: 400 Heavy Squats
Station 2: 150 KB Swings + 150 Curls
Station 3: 200 OHP
Station 4: 100 Heavy Merkins

Buy Out: 20 Burpees per Pax

Unfortunately, no one was able to complete given time constraints. Pax put blocks up and returned to Flag for COT.

Prayers for Roscoe’s Friend AL and GreenThumbs MIL Mary as they recover through prolonged health battles, those traveling for holidays and spending time with family.

Thank you for letting me lead you in the gloom men.