Backblast by Ham (Chris Schafer) on 02/21/2023

Site: Bandwidth
Q: Ham
Pax: Elton, Counterfeit, Roscoe P, Tube Top, Peat Moss, Ken Burns, Billy Goat, Squeaks, Melamine, Wrigley, Money Pit, Hay Z, Spitvavle, Thingamabob, Rio, B+E, Flush

Warm up: SSH /Good Mornings / Willy Mayes Hayes / Sir Fazios

Pax took on 2 Dora’s with coupons

Dora 1:
150 Tricep Extensions
100 Coupon Pull Overs
50 Thrusters

Dora 2:
150 Squats
100 Coupon Swings
50 Alternating merkins over the coupon

Partners ran around 2 miles in completion of the Dora’s.

Return coupons and mosey back to flag for Mary and COT

Prayers for Jeffrey and Felix, as they continue to battle for their health. Praise for Wrigley’s girlfriend finding out she is cancer free.

Thanks for letting me lead you in the gloom, see you all on Thursday at Max Bandwidth for more fun times with friends!