Backblast by Green Thumb (Ray Perry) on 09/21/2023

AO: The Armory
Q: Green thumb
PAX: 5 (PT, 10K, Phunny, Flush, & Chet)

Warm Ups: SSH, Imperial Walker, Hillbillies, Good Mornings, & Willie Mayes Hayes
Slow mozie to the rock pile and select individual non-traveling rock

Thing 1: Completed a 3 PAX dora with 200 curls, 200 tricep extensions, & 200 bent-over-rows
One Pax conducted an exercise for the count, one Pax on the other side of the parking lot, alternating between squats and lunges. One Pax running between spots at all times.

Thing 2: Flush 7’s on the hill. Rep count (30-5, 25-10, 20-15, 15-20, 10-25, 5-30) 105 reps total of each exercise
Exercises: Merkins at the bottom of the hill, LBC (ic) at the top.

Mozie back to the flag for some Mary (box cutters, J-Lows, & Rosilitas) and 51 birthday Burpees for Green Thumb.

Saturday, Sept 30, Roadside clean up. Targeting at least 12 PAX needed