PAX: Billy Goat, Yoda, Ham, Elton, Roscoe P, Tube Top, Melamine, Green Thumb, Money Pit, Rio, B&E.
11 PAX refused to be intimidated (Site Q Excluded) by my pre-blast and showed up at Max Bandwidth to finish Cardinal’s VQ.
SSH, Copperhead Merkins, Low Slow Flutters IC, Sir Fazio (Forward/Back), Air Presses IC, 20 Sec. Samson Hold, Cherry Pickers, Willie Mayes Hayes
The Thang:
4 Rounds of exercises performed together and then performedagain OYO following a 160 meter run, return for next round.
5 each Burpees (followed by Moment of Silence),
Big Boys, Heels to Heaven, Run and Repeat
10 each Burpees, LBC, Mt. Climbers IC, Run and Repeat
15 each Burpees, Squats, Freddy’s, Run and Repeat
20 Burpees, Run and Repeat
Bonus Round:
Quick Dora of 20 pull-ups, 40 LBC’s, and 60 Bobby Hurleys, with partner running a lap around playground.
Mary: 8 Different PAX Call Out an Ab Exercise
COT: Life is Fragile – Don’t wait for tomorrow to reach out and talk to the person that you’ve been meaning to contact.
Prayers: Jingle as he recovers from surgery, Roscoe P.’s parents, Elton’s friend recently diagnosed with Parkinson’s.