Backblast by Bean Counter (Coleman B.) on 06/06/2024

Backblast! Beandown Beatdown

AO: Max Bandwidth
Q: Bean Counter (Coleman B.)
PAX: Olaf (Austyn King), Goose (Chuck Cline), Green Thumb (Ray Perry), Bean Counter (Coleman B.), Dowry (Derrick Wolfe), Josh Burton (jingle), Spit Valve (Geoff), Pierogi, Melamine (Chad), Pawnee, Elton (Tim), Dumbledore (Dave Monaco), Deductible(Jordan) , Rio (Andrew DiGiovanni), Money Pit (Blake Anderson), Kitchen (Joseph Johnson), BNE
FNGs: None
Count: 18

Four for prerun. What a crowd. Discussing airports and turbulence. Rio (Andrew DiGiovanni) Bean Counter (Coleman B.) Olaf (Austyn King) Goose (Chuck Cline)

awkward cadence count good mornings and windmills. I tried to match the movement to the count but struggled mightily.
World’s greatest stretch, mountain climbers, groiners, and merkins.

THE THANG: Run to light poles for increasing merkin count at each pole up 4 each time.

Set of 7s: jump squats and star jumps
Return light pole work: lunges up 4 each pole.
Iron mikes and in and out squats at end.

Run to blocks for Swedish Chef series x 3: Urkin-durkin-merkin.

Run to block wall. Broad jump burpee crawl bears 1 rep increasing to 3. Then peoples chair and then do inchworm meetings 1 rep up to 3.
MARY: LBCs, zombie crunches, reverse LBCs, homer to Marge’s, 1 min chill cut hold
ANNOUNCEMENTS: night on white not this Friday but next. Deacon sign up for Qs and volunteers.
COT: Prayers for Pawnee, Pierogis friend, and Olaf’s family/dad.