Site: Max Bandwidth
Q: Ham
Pax: Roscoe P, Elton, Spitvalve, Fishstick, Melamine
Warm Up
SSH/ Good Mornings / Willy Mayes Hayes / Quad Stretch/ ???
PAX travelled to Mount Trashmore for 4 Doritas, where Pax progressed up Trashmore 25% at a time.
First Dorita:
50 Merkins | 75 1 1/4 Squats | 100 Hillbillies
Second Dorita:
50 Carolina Dry Docks | 75 Imperial Squat Walkers | 100 Imperial Walkers
Third Dorita:
50 Vertical Jumps |75 Dips | 100 Monkey Humpers
Fourth Dorita:
50 4-Count Shoulder Taps | 75 Alternating Side Lunges |100 Bobby Hurleys
PAX then continued up around trashmore and returned to the Flag for COT and Prayers.
Prayers for those battling Covid and recovering and battling illnesses (Al, Jeffrey, and more), and expectant mothers
Thank you for letting me lead you in the gloom men.