Backblast by Tarzan on 10/10/2024

Backblast! Excalibur 500 (350, actually)

AO: Excalibur
Q: Tarzan
PAX: Nailz (Josh Nichols), Kubota (Brandon Long), Hulka (Don Connelly), Swoosh, Soup to Nuts
FNGs: None
Count: 7

Side Straddle Hops
Good Mornings
Willie Mays Hays & Sir Fazios
Downward Dog; left over right, right over left
Runners Stretch

I got this workout from Floppy Disk, the Agoge 500 but renamed it the Excalibur 500. Next time I will do it on a smaller field because we did not have time to do the last 3 exercises.

Do 10 sets of each exercise 5x, once at each corner of the track, and running to each corner.

1) Standard Merkins
2) Squat Jumps
3) Heals to Heaven
4) Diamond Merkins
5) Star Jumps
6) Box Cutters
7) No Cheat Merkins
8) Lunges (Left-right is one)
9) Outlaws (5 clockwise 5 counter-clockwise)
10) Burpees

MARY: No time

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Trash pickup.

COT: Faith’s health, Soup to Nuts’ travel, Swoosh’s sanity and well-being this weekend watching the kids while his wife is out of town.