Backblast! The Nailz initiation workout
AO: Excalibur
Q: Sharkbait (Jarrod Scott)
PAX: Hulka (Don Connelly), Swoosh, F3DillyDilly , Iverson (Jerod), Nailz (Josh Nichols), Tarzan, Trey Fussell (Bill Nye), Pump Action
FNGs: None
Count: 9
Around 8 years ago I was prepping for a solo workout at the GreenHouse, my one year stab at starting an AO, when a welcome fng rolled up to join me. I called this workout and he barely avoided spilling his Merlot, by the aid of the Q sharing some water. The lore of Nailz begun. I have not called this Q since but after being sick since Monday, my fever-induced addled brain said, “why not do it today?”
WARMUP: being cheered by the presence of other men, including the newly moved Pump Action, YHC then Realized there wasn’t a second to spare. I rolled right out into disclaimers and alas, no purpose or values, yet the pax followed. Normal routine of SSH, IW, HB, Mtn Climbers, runner’s stretch, deep squat, WMH’s with Sir Fazio’s
Mosey to distant shelter for
100 murkins
90 LBC
80 Calf raises
Mosey to closer shelter for
70 Squats
60 flutter kicks
50 mountain climbers
Mosey to closer, long shelter for
40 jumping lunges
30 burpees (it was at this point that Nailz historically needed h20 to avoid Merlot spillage, strangely enough this time I was needing water and the thought of spillage passed my thoughts)
20 balls to walls
Mosey to starting parking lot
10 absolutions
MARY: none
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jingle Mingle, February collection for tri-area ministries and feminine products.
COT: Consider learning about Theodore Roosevelt jr to see examples of leadership. Prayers for Lucky, his wife (surgery today), and his son, for plane and helicopter accident, Swoosh’s pastor broke his foot while going on mission trip and had to come back for operation.