Backblast by Rio (Andrew DiGiovanni) on 01/05/2025

Backblast! New Year. New You. New Site Q

AO: Boiler Room
Q: Rio (Andrew DiGiovanni)
PAX: Boingo (Jeffrey Christensen), EKG (Lee White), Goose (Chuck Cline), Ham (Chris Schafer), Honorable Mention (Matt Ribbens), Icebox (Matt Mobley), Money Pit (Blake Anderson), Pawnee, Rio (Andrew DiGiovanni), Six Pack (Matt Coombs), Tendinitis (Ilia Kolosov), Tube Top (Matt Boretti), Jay Z – Shawn Carter, Dowry (Derrick Wolfe), Norwood (Jesse Pape), Bilo
FNGs: None
Count: 16

WARMUP: Standard Rio, plus Seal Clap
THE THANG: It was cold, so in order to stay warm, we immediately moseyed to the soccer field quarry completed a figure set of 7’s. Box Cutters & Merkins.
Routine was three minute continuous motion AMRAP exercises followed by 45 seconds of running with a 15 second rest between rounds
. The fourth round was a four minute continuous exercise. We completed all four rounds and repeated round one. Grabbed non traveling rocks.
Round One:
Overhead Press
. Curls. Heavy Squats. (Repeat).
Run two laps around the parking lot
. 10 Count.
Round Two:
Tricep Exts
. Bent Rows. Heavy rotating Lunges.
Run the same ea Round
Round Three:
Kettle Swings
. Heavy LBC’s. Heavy Flutters. (Repeat)
Round Four:
. WW2’s. Heavy Jump Squats. Side Straddle Hops. (Repeat)
. Complete Round One again.

MARY: 20 sit ups with partner, standing on toes, punching hands.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: wine barrel with the M’s Jan 10. Dance Jan 11th. “Regional Rumble” vs F3 Raleigh Sat March 22nd.

COT: Prayers for Mrs. Floppy Disc. Celebrating 18th birthday for Dowery’s 2.0.
Blessed to lead this group to Shepherd, the boiler room for the next 12 months

New Year. New You. New Site Q