Backblast by Oscar Mayer (Shaun Hanna) on 01/17/2025

Backblast! Boiler Room – 1/17

AO: Boiler Room
Q: Oscar Mayer (Shaun Hanna)
PAX: Green Thumb (Ray Perry), Lucky , Mediocre/Dan , Prius – Ryan McCallum, Tube Top (Matt Boretti), Jiffy pop (Prabhu), Rio (Andrew DiGiovanni), Squeaks (Neal), Kitty Hawk (Mike Ballard), emilalexander38 , Oscar Mayer (Shaun Hanna), Char-Grill (Pavlo), Boys 2 Men Scott Markel, Little Dinghy (Jim Amy), Boingo (Jeffrey Christensen), Honorable Mention (Matt Ribbens), Uggs (Brandon Bitner), Icebox (Matt Mobley), EKG (Lee White), Jay Z – Shawn Carter, Opie (Stan)
FNGs: None
Count: 21

WARMUP: Warm up

Side straddle hop – 20

Good mornings – 10

Willing mays hayes – 10

Hill Billy High Kicks – 10

Cracker Jacks – 10

Vertical mountain climbers – 10

Calf stretches – 10

The Pax were instructed to pair up with someone you don’t really know.

Teams stretch their ham strings
THE THANG: The pax were instructed during mosey’s in between stations to discuss the following questions.


What are you excited about

What is something you want to change

What do you fear

What is your definition of a great day

What is one piece of advice you want to share?

What book, pod cast, interview, etc has influenced you lately?

Who do you admire most

PAX did the exercises together at each stop splitting the count.

30 burpees
50 wwii
50 hand release merkins
100 calf raises
Partner carry
50 Jump squats
Front raises
Over head pressed
Monkey bumpers
The pax ended the workout with the people’s chair.

COT: Prayer Requests

Floppy’s back

Lucky – wife – neck surgery

Crash course – family flu and work

Little dingy – mom moving in

Zuzu and ham – expecting

Boiler Room - 1/17