Backblast by Kubota (Brandon Long) on 04/18/2024

Backblast! Do Not Feed The Fart Squirrels!

AO: Excalibur
Q: Kubota (Brandon Long)
PAX: Tarzan, Hulka (Don Connelly), Sharkbait (Jarrod Scott), Swoosh, Lucky , American Dad, Trey Fussell (Bill Nye)
FNGs: None
Count: 8

WARMUP: SSH, good morning, hillbillies, willie mays l/r + sir fazio, mountain climbers, downward dog
THE THANG: thing 1: partner jump rope circuit with burpees, merkins, wwiis, squats, shoulder taps. thing 2: rock workout – kettle bell swings, curls, triceps extensions, oh press, bent over rows. thing 3: morning call pull ups
COT: Swoosh’s brothers, Jack Ryan’s family, Lucky’s son

Do Not Feed The Fart Squirrels!