Backblast! 15
AO: Excalibur
Q: Kubota (Brandon Long)
PAX: Hulka (Don Connelly), Turnover (Brandon Carter), F3 Poncharello (Aaron Denn), Trey Fussell (Bill Nye), Jack Ryan (David Foster), American Dad, Sharkbait (Jarrod Scott), F3DillyDilly , Nailz (Josh Nichols), Swoosh, Iverson (Jerod), Tarzan, Cousteau (Jay Meyer), Net Zero
FNGs: None
Count: 15
SSH, GM, Hillbillies, Imperial Walkers, Ray Finkle, Mountain Climbers, Downward Dog Stretch, Sir Fazio
Mosey to first shelter
Run the length of the shelter and bernie back, each time one exercise:
10 Lt Dans
20 Squirrel Splats
30 Monkey Humpers
40 Flutter Kicks
10 Burpees + 25 Air Press + 25 OH claps
40 Calf Raises
30 WWIIs
20 Diamond Merkins
10 Squat Thrusters
Mosey to the Shelter by the pull up bars
Split into three groups, each group does Step-Ups, Box Jumps, Pullups in rotating fashion
Repeat with Box Cutters, Bulgarian Split Squats, Pullups
American Hammers
Have a nice day
Blood Drive, February Hygiene Drive, Raleigh Rumble, Turnover Moving, Podcast, Pot of Gold 5K?
Hulka having surgery 2/13, Raleigh Police Officer, Swoosh’s Pastor surgery