Backblast by Ham (Chris Schafer) on 12/24/2024

Backblast! Long Dora on the Hill

AO: Bandwidth
Q: Ham (Chris Schafer)
PAX: Billy Goat, Boingo (Jeffrey Christensen), Boys 2 Men Scott Markel, Char-Grill (Pavlo), Dumbledore (Dave Monaco), Elton (Tim), F3 Phunny (Kip Lowery), Ham (Chris Schafer), Isuzu (Seth), Jay Z – Shawn Carter, Jiffy pop (Prabhu), Goose (Chuck Cline), Papi (Isaias Brito), Patch Adams (Milton), Pierogi, Melamine (Chad), Rio (Andrew DiGiovanni), Six Pack (Matt Coombs), Thingamabob (Ariel), Turnover (Brandon Carter), Dart Gun
FNGs: None
Count: 21


Warm Up: SSH / WMH / Sir Fazio / Runner Stretch / calf stretch / Merkins

Thing 1:

  • Grab a partner grab a block – run up Trashmore; 20 second intervals block on and block off.
  • Once a top Trashmore, Dora:
  • 50 Blockees
  • 100 Merkin Block Overs
  • 200 KB Swings
  • 400 Heavy Squats

Blocks back

Thing 2: Cross Workout

  • 5 cones, at each cone and exercise is called. Do 5,10,15,20,25 reps and lap around field. Pax to call exercise


Long Dora on the Hill