Backblast by Gilmore (Jim T) on 08/08/2024

Backblast! Gimmie Shelter

AO: Dark Knight
Q: Gilmore (Jim T)
PAX: Don Curtis (Head Nurse), Trey Fussell (Bill Nye), Chris Jacques
FNGs: None
Count: 4

Following a warm-up, the PAX were introduced to several pain stations.

  1. Kettlebell Swings
  2. LBCs
  3. Block Curls
  4. Weighted Vest Tricep Extensions
  5. Ruck High Pulls
  6. WWII
  7. Sandbag Burpees (crowd favorite)
  8. Rosalitas

An EMOM timer was set-up for 1:15 and at the 10sec warning, the PAX traveled from one station to the next until they returned to where they started.

After the first set, we did a .5 mile mosey with dips/urkins and after the second set, we did .5 mile mosey with step-ups and fast feet.

We had just a few minutes left for Mary.

Note: Check out the photo and the beautiful rainbow, which leads to Bill Nye’s Pot of Gold shirt. LOL

Thank you for allowing me to lead gentlemen!


Gimmie Shelter