Backblast! Gimmie Shelter
AO: Dark Knight
Q: Gilmore (Jim T)
PAX: Don Curtis (Head Nurse), Trey Fussell (Bill Nye), Chris Jacques
FNGs: None
Count: 4
Following a warm-up, the PAX were introduced to several pain stations.
- Kettlebell Swings
- LBCs
- Block Curls
- Weighted Vest Tricep Extensions
- Ruck High Pulls
- Sandbag Burpees (crowd favorite)
- Rosalitas
An EMOM timer was set-up for 1:15 and at the 10sec warning, the PAX traveled from one station to the next until they returned to where they started.
After the first set, we did a .5 mile mosey with dips/urkins and after the second set, we did .5 mile mosey with step-ups and fast feet.
We had just a few minutes left for Mary.
Note: Check out the photo and the beautiful rainbow, which leads to Bill Nye’s Pot of Gold shirt. LOL
Thank you for allowing me to lead gentlemen!