Backblast by Gilmore (Jim T) on 02/04/2025

Backblast! S is for Sandbags

AO: Corral
Q: Gilmore (Jim T)
PAX: Counterfeit (John Kinneer), Homer (Scott Neuweg), Honorable Mention (Matt Ribbens), Boone’s Farm (Chris), Jake Angeles, Gilmore (Jim T)
FNGs: None
Count: 6

WARMUP: Good mornings, Hillbillies, Imperial Squat Walkers, Sir Fazio and slow mosey lap.

THE THANG: PAX performed the following exercises with a sandbag only: Deadlifts, Zerker squat, curls, sandbag pull-thru, Homer-2-Marge, chest press, and bent over rows. We did a descending rep count (24,20,16,12,8,4). Following each round, we sprinted across the field back.
With some extra time remaining, we partnered up for a loop and each partner took turns doing a suitcase carry with the two sandbags for 30 sec.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: ENC Trip this weekend; fellowship event at Heritage Wine Barrell on Friday, Convergence at Brothers Keeper on Mar 22.
COT: Continued prayers for Gilmore’s family, for Lucky’s family, for everyone getting sick.

Thank you for allowing me to lead!!

Iron Sharpens Iorn

S is for Sandbags