Backblast by EKG (Lee White) on 01/20/2024

Backblast! Game of Cones

AO: Farm
Q: EKG (Lee White)
PAX: Boingo (Jeffrey Christensen), Bean Counter (Coleman B.), Pierogi, Papi (Isaias Brito), Green Thumb (Ray Perry), Lucky , Scott Markel Aka Boys 2 Men, Gilmore (Jim T), Cricket, Bilo, Sell High, Boy Wonder
FNGs: None
Count: 13

WARMUP: Dynamic warmup: walked, walking knee hugs, skipping (yippee!), Bernie, and Carioca around the parking lot. Then SSH, squat twists, Sir Fazio, and Good Mornings.
THE THANG: Gilmore and Green Thumb split off for rehab workout.

Travel: The others took off on the trail stopping periodically to do SSH, squats, flutters, and mountain climbers to get that heart rate up and keep all pax together.

Cone game: Uneven numbers again. Dang! Exercise, run to middle to grab a single cone, come back, and repeat. Team with most cones does 20 squats while “non-winning” team does 5 burpees. Rounds of 20 plank jacks, then 10 hand release merkins, and then 30 LBCs.

People’s chair with Bilo complaining so went a little longer. Then paint the lines with burpees. Lung walk. Then individual dora sorta. 10 merkins, 20 squats, and 30 LBCs. Run the circle. 2 times.

Travel back stopping to do Freddy’s and squats. SSH whenever waiting.

MARY: Guantanamo

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Road cleanup 2/24 at 9:15. Talk to Elton if interested in BRR. Maybe some other stuff; dunno.

After workout Q source was led by Gilmore at McDonalds.

Thanks, boys!