Backblast! Doras around the islands
AO: Steel Sanctuary
Q: Char-Grill (Pavlo)
PAX: Paranoid (Nick C), Honorable Mention (Matt Ribbens), Oscar Mayer (Shaun Hanna), Tendinitis (Ilia Kolosov), Spit Valve (Geoff), Matt (Squirmy), Gilmore (Jim T)
FNGs: None
Count: 8
WARMUP: SSH, good mornings, hill billies, arm circles, merkins, willy maze haze, minimalistic stretches
THE THANG: Partner up and travel around each small island on the parking lot.
Dora style exercises while your partner is farmer carying around the island.
100 Curl
100 Bench press
100 Around the world
100 Swings
100 Goblet Squats
100 Heavy Homer to Marge
100 Inverted Rows
100 Leans
100 Triceps extension
MARY: Heavy American hammers, WWII, box cutters, double tap
A lots of things happening this Saturday, Mar-15th:
- convergence in Knightdale at 7am, Farm is closed
- Pot of Gold 5k run at 9am
- Delivery of feminine hygiene products to food pantry at 149 E Holding Avenue Wake Forest at 12pm
- Dancing with the Ms
Friday: Mar-21st luncheon at Alpaca in Wake Forest
Next Saturday Mar-22nd:
- regional get together at Brothers Keeper AO, Southeast Raleigh YMCA
- Floppy’s 13th anniversary Q at Pullen Park
Cobra Kai’s dead passing,
Ham’s newborn daughter Remi,
All spoken and unspoken prayers