Backblast by BTS Bales on 08/16/2024

Backblast! wheel of misfortune

AO: Steel Sanctuary
Q: BTS Bales
PAX: Spit Valve (Geoff), Flush (Clay Campbell), Matt (Squirmy), Money Pit (Blake Anderson), Deductible(Jordan) , Thingamabob (Ariel), Gilmore (Jim T), Dowry (Derrick Wolfe), Pump Action (Kevin Marer)
FNGs: None
Count: 10

good morning, windmill, hillbillies, downward dog into cobra
THE THANG: Start with introduction to the exercise the mosey around the lot.
Each of the 10 Pax took a turn spinning the Wheel of Misfortune to determine which of the 16 exercises to be performed.
1:high rows 30 reps
2. Bent over rows 40 reps
3. American hammers 12 reps
4. Plank with weight pulls 10 reps
5. KB swing into goblet squat 15 reps
6. Goblet squats 25 reps
7. WWII 20 reps
8. Overhead press 15 reps
9. KB swing 25 reps
10. Upright chest presses 15 repa
11. Curls 30 reps
12. Hip Hinge with overhead press 15 reps
13. KB merkins 10 reps
14. Jump squats 15 reps
15. Reverse lunges 15 reps
16. Single leg balance with around the world 40 reps

We completed about 2.5 rounds with a mosey after each 10th exercise.
Most used 35lb KB and could modify based on exercise

MARY: weighted WWIII, overhead flutters, WWII weighted, homer to Marge.
ANNOUNCEMENTS: start running to prepare for Deacon, pork chop next Friday, t shirt orders
COT: Prayers for Spit Valve (Geoff) family