Backblast by Bean Counter (Coleman B.) on 04/03/2024

Backblast! Bean’s Parking Tower of Terror

AO: Kblasts
Q: Bean Counter (Coleman B.)
PAX: Jay Z – Shawn, Bean Counter (Coleman B.), Snickle (Andrew), Money Pit (Blake Anderson), Char-Grill (Pavlo), Scott Markel Aka Boys 2 Men, Rio (Andrew DiGiovanni), Oscar Mayer (Shaun Hanna), Tendinitis (Ilia Kolosov), Pawnee, Thingamabob (Ariel), Gilmore (Jim T), Spit Valve (Geoff), Billy Goat, Tube Top (Matt Boretti), Don’t Fix it; Patch Adams
FNGs: None
Count: 17

Good mornings, imperial walkers, and windmills. Run to parking deck.
parking tower of terror with each level representing exercises hitting a body group starting at ground level:

  1. Chest: in and out merkins, standard, and T merkins
  2. Legs: jump squats, in and out squats, 90 deg squat turns
  3. Shoulders: Carolina dry docks, hallelujah, arm circles
  4. Intense full body level: burpees and then running in place with high knees and burpees called by Q
  5. Calf: calf raises and line jumps
  6. Hold: squat hold and plank hold; back down
  7. Swedish Chef level: urkin-durkin-merkin
  8. Lunge level: forward lunge, backward lunge, iron mikes
  9. Ab level: LBC, low slow flutter, American hammer
  10. Abs: dying cockroaches; penguin crunch with lots of quacking ( would make Burgess Meredith proud), zombie crunchs

Lots of tasteful innuendo among the pax to be enjoyed along the way

MARY: conclude with finishing move of 90 sec chill cut
ANNOUNCEMENTS: meat & bourbon at Iverson’s; Basketball at waffle House; Meet the street event 4/20 pop up marketing table for outdoor events, Deacon 9/21 and Qs needed to help plan
COT: prayers for cricket and pierogi