Backblast! Shelter Tabata
AO: Dark Knight
Q: Gilmore (Jim T)
PAX: Stairway, Kelly Barnes, Don Curtis (Head Nurse), F3_Cobra Kai, Gilmore (Jim T), Big Short
FNGs: 1 Big Short
Count: 5
Following a brief warm up we jumped into the Thang.
THE THANG: YHC arranged several stations and we did a Tabata workout with 1:30 minutes and 20 seconds of rest. We did 2 rounds and ran around the park in between rounds.
- Flutter Kicks
- 60# Sandbag bent over rows
- Ruck swing
- Ruck Squat to Press
- Dips
- KB curls
- KB Snatch
- Picnic Table Shoulder Shrugs
- Step Ups
COT: Cobra Kai’s Dad, Jasper; Stairway, Ham and Isuzu and their new babies on the way.
Thank you for allowing me to lead!!