Backblast! Catch Me if You Can
AO: Quarantine
Q: Josh Burton (jingle)
PAX: Spit Valve (Geoff), Rio (Andrew DiGiovanni), Rosco P (Rich O’Donnell), Jay Z – Shawn Carter, Tube Top (Matt Boretti), Money Pit (Blake Anderson), Globetrotter (Sean Smith), Turnover (Brandon Carter), Boys 2 Men Scott Markel
FNGs: None
Count: 10
Warm Ups
Long Mosey to parking deck
Grab two one handed walking traveling rock for teams
Teammate 1 runs to top of current level and starts reps at the top
Teammate 2 walks with rock reps until they meet/trade
Same exercises for both. Side straddle hops and calf raises at the top of each level to wait for 6.
Level 1
- Curls (Travel Rocks)
- Freddie Mercurys
Level 2
- Butterflies (Travel Rocks)
- J-Los
Level 3
- Tricep Extensions (Travel Rocks)
- Mountain Climbers
Level 4
- Rows (Travel Rocks)
- American Hammers
At the top, one partner goes all the way down the stairs and back with rocks. Partner 2 does reps until he returns.
Stairs (Travel Rocks)
Exercise 1: World War 2’s
Exercise 2: Calf Raises
Rinse and Repeat Back Down
Level 1
- Curls (Travel Rocks)
- Freddie Mercurys
Level 2
- Butterflies (Travel Rocks)
- J-Los
Level 3
- Tricep Extensions (Travel Rocks)
- Mountain Climbers
Level 4
- Rows (Travel Rocks)
- American Hammers
Mosey to Flag