Backblast by Sharkbait (Jarrod Scott) on 09/26/2024

Backblast! First respectable Q

AO: Excalibur
Q: Sharkbait (Jarrod Scott)
PAX: American Dad, Hulka (Don Connelly), Jack Ryan (David Foster), Kubota (Brandon Long), Nailz (Josh Nichols), Swoosh, Tarzan, Trey Fussell (Bill Nye), Turnover (Brandon Carter)
FNGs: None
Count: 10

50 SSH, mosey, good Morning, IW, 50 mtn climbers, runners stretch, deep squat
Begin with musical odyssey from 1974 progressing to current
. Periodic trivia questions about 1974 that would determine if we did 50 straight reps of exercises or split it up.
25 pull-ups but if we break we ran a lap around playground
50 muricans run a lap
25 pull-ups broken up with 50 ww1’s in any break down
Mosey back to parking for 2 sets of 25 lt Dan
and Lbc’s. Calf raises when finished.
COT: prayers for Emily’s funeral, Nye’s mother, and Faith

First respectable Q