AO: Excalibur
Q: Swoosh
PAX: Sharkbait (Jarrod Scott), Hulka (Don Connelly), Flush (Clay Campbell), Trey Fussell (Bill Nye), Lucky , Kubota (Brandon Long), Play-Doh (Josh Herring)
FNGs: None
Count: 8
Side straddle hops 20
Good mornings 10
Downward dog 30 secs
Runners Stretch right to right and left to left 30
Plank 34 secs
Downward dog 30 secs
Sir Fazzios
Mosey to long way to to the steps at theater
5 side straddle hop hops run to stage back 2nd step 5 reps, run to stage and back to 3rd step 5 reps run back to stage.
Mercans at first step 10 run to stage and back to second step 10 dercans run to stage and back to 3rd step 10 gercans
Step ups 15 L R is one rinse repeat as above
Freddie Mecury’s 20 rinse repeat as above
25 dip rinse and repeat as above
10 side straddle hops
Run to first step back to stage run to 2 be step and back to stage, run to 3rd step back to stage.
Mosey to rocks long way: grab a non travel rock
22 reps first 10 in cadence next 12 OYO
Overhead press
squat lunges