Backblast by Green Thumb (Ray Perry) on 05/27/2024

Backblast! Memorial Day WODs

AO: Agoge
Q: Green Thumb (Ray Perry)
PAX: Cricket (Tal), F3 Phunny (Kip Lowery), Kitchen (Joseph Johnson), Floppy Disk (Tom Neal), Boingo (Jeffrey Christensen), Play-Doh (Josh Herring), Little Dinghy (Jim Amy), Wrigley, Boys 2 Men Scott Markel, U-turn (Silas Johnson), Ham (Chris Schafer), Thingamabob (Ariel), Pawnee, Kitty Hawk (Mike Ballard), Char-Grill (Pavlo), Tendinitis (Ilia Kolosov), Six Pack (Matt Coombs), Josh Burton (jingle), Dowry (Derrick Wolfe), Spike
FNGs: None
Count: 22

22 PAX reflected on the meaning of Memorial Day in remembering those who died while wearing the uniform and being thankful for the opportunity to continue to be present for our families.

Green Thumb dedicated this Workout of the Day (WOD) for two former Marines he served with, Capt. Jaime Edge and Gunnery Sgt. Elia Fontecchio

WARMUP: SSH, Imperial walkers, Willie Mayes Hayes, Sir Fazios

THE THANG: Rackem Stackem WODs
PAX selected rock of appropriate size (blocks were underwater) and moved to the base of the long hill on other side of the field. PAX completed two sets of Rackem Stackems as such. Complete 1st exercise with reps then run to the top of the hill around the flag and back down. Then complete 1st and 2nd exercises, then run to top of the hill and back. Continue adding exercises until final exercise and reps complete.

1st WOD
5 – Blockees
10 – Curls
15 – Goblet Squats
20 – Rock Swings
25 – Mt. Climbers (4 ct)

2nd WOD
5 – Burpees
10 – Triceps Extension
15 – Lunges (L/R = 1)
20 – Bent over Rows
25 – Plankjacks (4 ct)

MARY: 30/60/90, LBCs, Homer to Marge, Leg lifts

Annual Bone Frog at The Farm this Saturday
Also Saturday the Brew Ruck starting at 11:00 at Norse Brewery
Next Monday, Burpee Golf at Agoge
June 8, Roadside Clean up.

COT: Prayers for Ham and Chargrill’s families’ during upcoming travels.

Prayers for those who made the ultimate sacrifice and died in the service of their country. Names of our fallen were spoken and we ended with a playing of Taps.