Backblast! The Board for Qtr 1
AO: Farm
Q: Trey Fussell (Bill Nye)
PAX: Homer (Scott Neuweg), Boone’s Farm (Chris), Floppy Disk (Tom Neal), Papi (Isaias Brito), Uggs (Brandon Bitner), Turnover (Brandon Carter), F3_Cobra Kai, Pump Action (Kevin Marer), Nelson Thompson (Jack Jack), Flush (Clay Campbell), Boingo (Jeffrey Christensen), Dowry (Derrick Wolfe), Jay Z – Shawn Carter, Pierogi, Gilmore (Jim T), Level up, Tomahawk, Smithers, Jesus (Watts), Joseph (Dirt Cheap)
FNGs: 2 Jesus (Watts), Joseph (Dirt Cheap)
Count: 26
Good Morning, Imperial Walkers, Helicopters, Runners stretch
The Board of Pain
See picture in comments
Stretches with Gilmore
March 17 Pot of Gold 5K in Knightdale to benefit Northside Community Church Compassion Project, Ham’s baby shower at Fortnight Brewery in WF
Feel free to add the ones I forgot.
Cobra Kai’s dad, Gilmore’s new job opportunity, Lucky’s foot
Please add the ones I forgot.