Backblast! Me and Julio part deux
AO: Edm
Q: Thingamabob (Ariel)
PAX: Deductible(Jordan) , Char-Grill (Pavlo)
FNGs: None
Count: 3
Char-grill joined us for the warm up and continued his training runs…
WARMUP: SSH, Tennessee Rocking Chair, Windmill, Hillbillies
Moseyed in the dark to the road but away from the dam, then later enjoyed the amazing view.
Grabbed large size rocks.
5 cones configured about 10 steps away from each other. 20 reps at the starting cone, then 10 reps each stop there and back for a total of 100 reps each exercise. I know a grabbed more than I could chew on the Rock size.
- Curls – carry the rock to all the next cones and performing the prescribed amount of reps at each
- Heavy Squats – carry the rock to all the next cones and performing the prescribed amount of reps at each
- Suicides – Going to the last cone first
- Overhead Press – rifle carry the rock to all the next cones and performing the prescribed amount of reps at each
- Squats (no rock) – Lunges to all the next cones and performing the prescribed amount of reps at each
- Merkins (no rock) – mosey to all the next cones and performing the prescribed amount of reps at each
- LBCs (no rock) – Mosey to all the next cones and performing the prescribed amount of reps at each
ANNOUNCEMENTS: All the things happening in March
COT: Prayers for peace.