Backblast by Spit Valve (Geoff) on 09/12/2024

Backblast! Max Bandwidth – Spit Valve – IronPax Week 1 – World’s Worst Elevens

AO: Max Bandwidth
Q: Spit Valve (Geoff)
PAX: Deductible(Jordan) , Yoda (Royce), Green Thumb (Ray Perry), Dowry (Derrick Wolfe), Isuzu (Seth), F3 B and E, Rio (Andrew DiGiovanni), Elton (Tim), Ham (Chris Schafer), Turnover (Brandon Carter), Jay Z – Shawn Carter
FNGs: None
Count: 12

11 non-wusses showed up for IronPax Week 1: World’s Worst Elevens, and 1 showed up for AluminumPax, although his workout was still summiting Mount Trashmore on repeat. What’s your excuse???


  • SSH
  • Good Mornings
  • Leg Stretches
  • Anything else OYO while the workout was explained

World’s Worst Elevens

  • Set up two cones 30 yards apart
  • Start a 4-minute EMOM timer
  • Perform 3 Burpees every time the timer goes off, including right at the start
  • Standard set of Elevens, starting with 10 Coupon Thrusters at cone 1 and 1 Hand-Release Merkin at cone 2
  • 10/1 mode of travel: Bear Crawl
  • 9/2 mode of travel: Lunge Walk
  • 8/3 mode of travel: Burpee Broad Jump
  • 7/4 mode of travel: Mosey
  • 6/5 mode of travel: Murder Bunny out and Redrum Bunny (Reverse Murder Bunny) back
  • Repeat the same modes of travel for sets 5/6 through 1/10
  • Stop the clock

Rio (Andrew DiGiovanni) led the way at 18:02 with Ham (Chris Schafer) close behind at 18:12. Everyone finished in under 28:30, so this was a very doable workout, so everyone skipping the workout should feel great shame.

MARY: None


  • Last Friday Night on White of the year this Friday – meet at 5:30 pm at Freddy’s Bottle Shop
  • Next Friday’s luncheon is at Alpaca on Main Street
  • Deacon is September 21st
  • The next M Night is October 11th at ZincHouse
  • Donations are going great for the Tri-Area Ministry Food Pantry – keep it up! (Donations to Green Thumb)
  • Yoda (Royce)’s Neighbor-to-Neighbor Breakfast at 7 am on September 25th


  • PAX injuries
  • Healing for loved ones
  • Chet Ripley (Elton Smith) heads out today and Elton (Tim) joins him this weekend for a their Wednesday Rim-to-Rim-to-Rim excursion