Backblast by Pawnee on 04/18/2024

Backblast! Morning on Mt Trashmore

AO: Kblasts
Q: Pawnee
PAX: Ham (Chris Schafer), Dumbledore (Dave Monaco), Green Thumb (Ray Perry), Spit Valve (Geoff), Deductible(Jordan) , F3 B and E, Billy Goat, Melamine (Chad), Char-Grill (Pavlo), Rio (Andrew DiGiovanni), Pawnee, Elton (Tim), Dowry (Derrick Wolfe), BTS Bales, Jay Z – Shawn
FNGs: None
Count: 15

side straddle hops, mountain climbers, Mike Tyson
THE THANG: mosey to Mt Trashmore. Each Pax member runs up it as fast as possible. Once at top, turn around and get behind 6 and run up together. Once at the top we did following:
25 Flitter kicks
25 LBCs
15 Box cutters
15 V ups
25 WWI
25 Freddy Mercury

Mosey down mt Trashmore with lead returning to 6 to finish route.

All grabbed a coupon and did the following
25 overhead press
25 curls
25 bent over rows
25 triceps extension
25 hinges
25 weighted WW2
25 weighted American hammer

Mosey around the building to playground. With a partner one pax would do pull-ups to failure while the other would do squats switching after pax doing pull-ups couldn’t continue.
MARY: 10 v ups
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Friday lunch at Prime, Saturday forest fest. See sign up sheet.
COT: prayers for Chargrills mother as she undergoes tests for cancer, prayers for rios cousin as they deal with accident in family, prayers for green thumbs colleagues as family suffers loss of loved one and another has stroke.

Morning on Mt Trashmore